
User Manuals



Installation Questions

What do I need to use VP Pro?

VP Pro is designed to work with Mo-Sys StarTracker camera tracking. The minimum you will need is a StarTracker (with a map, auto-align and lens tweak), a computer with a decent graphics card and a SDI video card, and the Unreal Engine v5.1.

Can I record the camera tracking data with VP Pro?

Yes! As long as you have the VFX license level you can record the tracking and lens data at the highest precision and locked to timecode so the data can be used in post-production. Check out the tutorial VP Pro VFX below for more info.

What are the different license levels of VP Pro?
  • VP Free can be downloaded from the Unreal Marketplace and is for those who just want the LiveLink tracking interface in Unreal and nothing more.
  • VP Pro is free to download and enables you to do basic compositing with Epic's Compositor plugin
  • VP Pro VFX provides software tools and hardware integrations required for on-set compositing and recording for VFX or broadcast environment.
  • VP Pro XR provides all the VFX tools plus some features specific to XR in LED volumes.
  • VP Pro Studio provides specific multi-camera tools for StarTracker Studio
  • More detail on the specific feature sets can be found here
Does VP Pro support Unreal 5.4?

Yes! We normally support any new Unreal releases within 24 hours of Epic's release.

Can I connect Mo-Sys robotics to VP Pro?

Yes absolutely. Our robotics all use a common protocol so it is easy to control them from inside Unreal via VP Pro.

What is XR?

XR has a few different definitions, but at Mo-Sys we use it to mean eXtended Reality. I.e. adding virtual set extensions to an LED volume.

Where can I find more troubleshooting info?
Each user manual has a trouble-shooting section at the end. If you are still stuck reach out to

General Questions

Installation Instructions

Why is my AutoAlign not accurate?

Make sure that your Offsets are correctly measured.

Check that the real 0, X and Y markers are measured correctly and create a right angled triangle.

Are the coordinates of your points are correctly plotted in the auto aligner (negative and positive in relation to 0 point)?

How do I switch between ceiling and floor tracking?

Go to the menu Stars -> Type and switch the current Sensor Primary Direction to either ceiling, floor or Horizontal.

How do I update StarTracker?

Plug USB Stick into StarTracker. Close the file manager window that pops up.

  1. Go to Main -> Backup and click on Detect. Make sure the status shows "Mounted"
  2. Then click Update FW. It will give you a list of the zip rules it found on the USB drive. Select the one you want to update and hit Enter.
  3. Then make sure the status says "Updated firmware. Restart to use new software. IF it shows some error, contact

  4. Click on Eject to remove USB stick and go to Main and hit Restart.


VP Pro Tutorials